Step 2: Donate or share your donation info

Select ‘Donate Now’ or ‘Share Donation Page‘

Pledge or donate an amount

You can pledge an amount per minute of dancing, or give a flat donation.

A pledge per minute means the sponsor will pay the amount they pledge for every dance minute. For pledges-per-minute, the cap is 35 mins. If you submit 50 mins, we are only allowed to input 35 mins on So, if you would like to donate more, choose the flat donation option.

Share your donation page

Share your donation page with friends and family. Remember, every donation and share counts!

Possible script:

“Dear ______, please help support my school, Nu’uanu Elementary, raise some much-needed funds that will be used towards a new playground, purchasing new furniture in all of our keiki's classrooms, and to upgrade technology on campus. Our goal is to raise $20,000, so if you are able, please donate. You can use my fundraising link [Insert your child’s link] to donate. You can donate by giving money for every minute I dance during the week of 3/7-3/18, or by giving a flat donation. Your donation will also help me win some prizes. Thank you for your support!”

Share with friends and family around the country!
See where the farthest donations came from at the bottom of your donation page under School Goal and Stats.
Step 3: Dance with us starting Monday, March 7 >>>