Cub Scouts

Welcome to Pack 181!

Calling all 1st Graders:  Would your son or daughter enjoy hiking, fishing, camping, and swimming; doing some "super duper" activities each week with classmates?

Cub Scouting is not just for 1st graders, but it's the first year boys and girls may join. Scouting is a great way for children to learn valuable Life Skills while having LOTS of fun. Boys and girls enjoy many interesting experiences together with their fellow scouts and parents.

'Aikane o Nu'uanu of Nu'uanu Elementary is the proud sponsor of Cub Scout Pack 181 (grades 1-5). 

Want to find out more?  Call Billy at (808) 896-0895.

Learn more about Scouting at the Aloha Council website:

A few good men.

Hiking adventure.

Setting-up the campsite.

Good thing we brought dinner.

Traditional bonfire.

Fun and Games at Makahiki.

Rope bridge at Makahiki.

Honoring our Heros.

Rag-tag group at start of year.

Seasoned Scouts at year's end.