Girl Scouts

What Does It Mean to be a Girl Scout Today?

It means having the confidence to be yourself and explore the amazing possibilities the world has to offer. It means having the courage to speak out and take action on issues you believe in. It means giving back to your community and the world, leaving your mark and making a difference, all while having the best time of your life!

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

* Kindergarten is the first year girls may join, but girls may join at any level.

‘Aikane o Nuuanu of Nuuanu Elementary, is the proud sponsor of NGS. 

Different troops meet at the school Friday nights that Nuuanu Elementary is in session.

 Want more details? Please visit:

Girl Scout Troop 927 from Nuuanu at their annual cookie sale.

Kaia Tencate and Leanne Hashimoto at the UH STEM Lab.